The Conjugator
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Exercice à trous

Dans cet exercice, mettez le verbe entre parenthèses à la forme verbale qui convient le mieux. Une fois que vous avez rempli toutes les zones, appuyez sur "Corriger" pour voir la réponse ainsi que votre score.

Future in the past - Negative form

Fill the blanks using the correct negative ‘Long form’ of the Future in the past.

1. They said she the dress but she did. (not/to like)
2. They knew that Walter the award. (not/to accept)
3. I told you he to the party. (not/to come)
4. Oscar thought he time to visit his mother but he did. (not/to have)
5. I thought Martin me but he did. (not/to call)
6. Victor knew they him to go on leave next month. (not/to allow)
7. Rose thought her sister the door but she did. (not/to open)
8. He but Elena pushed him in the pool. (not/to jump)
9. She knew he the documents. (not/to edit)
10. Liam knew he an actor so he became a director instead. (not/to be)

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