The Conjugator
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Exercice à trous

Dans cet exercice, mettez le verbe entre parenthèses à la forme verbale qui convient le mieux. Une fois que vous avez rempli toutes les zones, appuyez sur "Corriger" pour voir la réponse ainsi que votre score.

Past perfect - Questions

Fill the blanks using the correct form of question of the Past perfect.

1. Samantha her theory before she submitted the thesis? (to prove)
2. Luis already the company before she informed about her decision to her friends? (to quit)
3. he our conversation before he made that statement? (to overhear)
4. he for an explanation before you told him all this? (to ask)
5. they home when you called them? (to reach)
6. Why Mr. Smith not me about this event when he came to know about it? (to inform)
7. she a new job by that time? (to find)
8. Why he not to my mails before he left the office? (to respond)
9. What he that he was arrested by the police? (to do)

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