The Conjugator

Exercice à trous

Dans cet exercice, mettez le verbe entre parenthèses à la forme verbale qui convient le mieux. Une fois que vous avez rempli toutes les zones, appuyez sur "Corriger" pour voir la réponse ainsi que votre score.


Fill the blanks using the correct form of affirmative, negative or question of the simple present.

1. His secretary ___________________________ how to operate this. (not/to know)

2. Barbara ___________________________ to read novels. (to like)

3. ___________________________ he ___________________________ soccer? (to play)
4. How ___________________________ he ___________________________ to work? (to travel)

5. He ___________________________ the newspaper every day. (not/to read)

6. It often ___________________________ on Sundays. (to rain)

7. Does Clara ___________________________ in the supermarket? (to work)

8. I always ___________________________ to the bus stop. (to hurry)

9. Mr Smith ___________________________ Italian and French. (to teach)

10. My boss ___________________________ me to be in the office by 8 o'clock each morning. (to expect)

Correction de l'exercice

1. His secretary doesn't know how to operate this. (not/to know)
2. Barbara likes to read novels. (to like)
3. Does he {play} soccer? (to play)
4. How does he {travel} to work? (to travel)
5. He does not read the newspaper every day. (not/to read)
6. It often rains on Sundays. (to rain)
7. Does Clara work in the supermarket? (to work)
8. I always hurry to the bus stop. (to hurry)
9. Mr Smith teaches Italian and French. (to teach)
10. My boss expects me to be in the office by 8 o'clock each morning. (to expect)