The Conjugator

Exercice à trous

Dans cet exercice, mettez le verbe entre parenthèses à la forme verbale qui convient le mieux. Une fois que vous avez rempli toutes les zones, appuyez sur "Corriger" pour voir la réponse ainsi que votre score.

Past continuous - Affirmative form

Fill the blanks using the correct form of the Past continuous.

1. Sally ___________________________ dinner when Ben called her last night. (to cook)

2. We ___________________________ to Brittany at 10 am yesterday. (to travel)

3. Keith ___________________________ the internet when his boss entered the room. (to browse)

4. Hannah and Jules ___________________________ pictures at the Eiffel tower when we called them. (to take)

5. I ___________________________ in my garden when the phone rang. (to work)

6. Susan ___________________________ a dress when her mother came over. (to sew)

7. I ___________________________ lunch when the fire alarm rang. (to have)

8. A cat ran across the driveway as I ___________________________ my car. (to park)

9. They ___________________________ towards the bus when he fell down. (to walk)

10. It began raining just as I ___________________________ the road. (to cross)

Correction de l'exercice

1. Sally was cooking dinner when Ben called her last night. (to cook)
2. We were travelling to Brittany at 10 am yesterday. (to travel)
3. Keith was browsing the internet when his boss entered the room. (to browse)
4. Hannah and Jules were taking pictures at the Eiffel tower when we called them. (to take)
5. I was working in my garden when the phone rang. (to work)
6. Susan was sewing a dress when her mother came over. (to sew)
7. I was having lunch when the fire alarm rang. (to have)
8. A cat ran across the driveway as I was parking my car. (to park)
9. They were walking towards the bus when he fell down. (to walk)
10. It began raining just as I was crossing the road. (to cross)