The Conjugator

Exercice à trous

Dans cet exercice, mettez le verbe entre parenthèses à la forme verbale qui convient le mieux. Une fois que vous avez rempli toutes les zones, appuyez sur "Corriger" pour voir la réponse ainsi que votre score.

Past continuous - AFFIRMATIVE FORM

Fill the blanks using the correct form of the past continuous.

1. She ___________________________ yesterday when I called her. (to cry)

2. They ___________________________ at the party when I saw them. (to dance)

3. Paul ___________________________ to me about the project when my boss called me. (to talk)

4. A nice song ___________________________ on the radio when I woke up. (to play)

5. Audrey ___________________________ to music when the bus stopped. (to listen)

6. The puppy ___________________________ on the sofa when the cat jumped on it. (to sleep)

7. The baby boy ___________________________ at his mother when she picked him up. (to smile)

8. My phone ___________________________ while I was sleeping. (to ring)

9. The children ___________________________ in the pool while I was exercising. (to swim)

10. Leonardo ___________________________ at the shopkeeper when his girlfriend walked in. (to scream)

Correction de l'exercice

1. She was crying yesterday when I called her. (to cry)
2. They were dancing at the party when I saw them. (to dance)
3. Paul was talking to me about the project when my boss called me. (to talk)
4. A nice song was playing on the radio when I woke up. (to play)
5. Audrey was listening to music when the bus stopped. (to listen)
6. The puppy was sleeping on the sofa when the cat jumped on it. (to sleep)
7. The baby boy was smiling at his mother when she picked him up. (to smile)
8. My phone was ringing while I was sleeping. (to ring)
9. The children were swimming in the pool while I was exercising. (to swim)
10. Leonardo was screaming at the shopkeeper when his girlfriend walked in. (to scream)