The Conjugator

Exercice à trous

Dans cet exercice, mettez le verbe entre parenthèses à la forme verbale qui convient le mieux. Une fois que vous avez rempli toutes les zones, appuyez sur "Corriger" pour voir la réponse ainsi que votre score.

Past perfect - Affirmative form

Fill the blanks using the correct form of the Past perfect.

1. He ___________________________ a little before the bell rang. (to sleep)

2. It ___________________________ rain by 9 a.m. yesterday. (to start)

3. Lara ___________________________ already ___________________________ an E-mail to John before he called her. (to send)

4. She ___________________________ the work before her boss reached the office. (to finish)

5. It ___________________________ quite dark by this time yesterday. (to become)

6. He ___________________________ almost ___________________________ him till he was stopped by the police. (to kill)

7. After a few bad experiences, he realised that he ___________________________ a wrong mentor. (to choose)

8. The traffic ___________________________ at a slow pace till it was controlled by the traffic officer. (to creep)

9. She ___________________________ the money somewhere before police began to search for it. (to hide)

10. They ___________________________ on this project before it was assigned to her. (to work)

Correction de l'exercice

1. He had slept a little before the bell rang. (to sleep)
2. It had started rain by 9 a.m. yesterday. (to start)
3. Lara had already {sent} an E-mail to John before he called her. (to send)
4. She had finished the work before her boss reached the office. (to finish)
5. It had become quite dark by this time yesterday. (to become)
6. He had almost {killed} him till he was stopped by the police. (to kill)
7. After a few bad experiences, he realised that he had chosen a wrong mentor. (to choose)
8. The traffic had crept at a slow pace till it was controlled by the traffic officer. (to creep)
9. She had hidden the money somewhere before police began to search for it. (to hide)
10. They had worked on this project before it was assigned to her. (to work)