The Conjugator

Exercice à trous

Dans cet exercice, mettez le verbe entre parenthèses à la forme verbale qui convient le mieux. Une fois que vous avez rempli toutes les zones, appuyez sur "Corriger" pour voir la réponse ainsi que votre score.

Past perfect continuous - Affirmative form

Fill the blanks using the correct form of the Past perfect continuous.

1. They ___________________________ for 8 hours before they finally reached Korea. (to fly)

2. Mimi ___________________________ too much before her mother put her to sleep. (to jump)

3. Jake ___________________________ all day when he realized he was very tired. (to study)

4. I ___________________________ for two hours before I broke my ankle. (to ski)

5. Ashton ___________________________ the door when Marie came home. (to repair)

6. They needed rest because they ___________________________ for two weeks. (to trek)

7. Mary ___________________________ for two hours when the bus arrived. (to wait)

8. Susan ___________________________ to call Henry for two hours when he showed up. (to try)

9. They ___________________________ for five hours before the other guests arrived. (to party)

10. Bianca got sick because she ___________________________ candy all day. (to eat)

Correction de l'exercice

1. They had been flying for 8 hours before they finally reached Korea. (to fly)
2. Mimi had been jumping too much before her mother put her to sleep. (to jump)
3. Jake had been studying all day when he realized he was very tired. (to study)
4. I had been skiing for two hours before I broke my ankle. (to ski)
5. Ashton had been repairing the door when Marie came home. (to repair)
6. They needed rest because they had been trekking for two weeks. (to trek)
7. Mary had been waiting for two hours when the bus arrived. (to wait)
8. Susan had been trying to call Henry for two hours when he showed up. (to try)
9. They had been partying for five hours before the other guests arrived. (to party)
10. Bianca got sick because she had been eating candy all day. (to eat)